8 Reasons Why You Need a Health Coach

8 Reasons Why You Need a Health Coach
credit: third party image reference
Have you ever taken a year long subscription to a gym but barely gone twice before you decided to quit? What about one of those fancy weight-loss diets that never helped you cut out junk food? Is binge-watching episode after episode of a thrilling web-series while sacrificing sleep a daily routine? The real question is how many times have you lost motivation while trying to be your own health coach ?
Let’s face it! Most people find it difficult to stick to a routine. Even if you do find the time to squeeze in a workout, are you doing it right? Are you eating the right food for your body type? Is your dietary intake in line with your health goals? There are many questions and more than often, being your own health coach can backfire in more ways than one.
A health coach, who is an expert with proper certification can guide you in the right direction by helping you take decisions on the right food and exercise. Having a health coach does not only keep you accountable but also keeps you motivated.
Here are 8 reasons why having a health coach is good for you.
1. Discover Natural Remedies
Having a health coach who knows what they are talking about can help you understand symptoms of a sickness and help you with natural healing options. Imagine if the contents available in your kitchen and even normal food can heal you, wouldn’t you want to know ?
2. A Health Coach Is Your Friend
Life is increasingly fast-paced and monotonous. It is difficult to find someone who is willing to listen to you and your problems. Eventually, this kind of isolation and lack of communication can lead to increased stress levels. If you have a health coach, he/she is always there to listen to your issues and is well trained to counsel you in that particular situation. The coach in this sense is your buddy and is all ears to listen to your woes, ask the appropriate questions, and help you identify the root cause for your concern and help you resolve it.
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3. Responsible and Accountability
Research shows that 80% of the population who make health resolution on New Year’s, break them within 2-3months. With a bit of self-motivation, you can stick to your plans 1-2 or 3 months at best but after that, you tend to go off track. Now, if you have a health coach, you will be answerable to that person, which in turn will help you stick to your resolutions for a long time and eventually achieve your goal.
4. Help You Understand Your Body
Leading an unhealthy lifestyle can be costly! Weight gain, loss of stamina, a weak immune system are just some of the banes. Imagine getting active, getting on a great diet plan but it doesn’t work for you! This is where a coach comes in and helps you identify the reason. It might be your body type and your body type might require a different approach.
5. Increase Your Knowledge
All the nutritional tips, exercise routines and even techniques to sleep better can enable you to manage a healthy life on your own for years to come. Getting the right knowledge to manage your lifestyle is a gift that you can share as well. Knowledge is power and a health coach gives you the power to live an active, healthy and happy life.
6. Setting Realistic Goals
We always set goals without knowing whether we will be able to achieve them or not. For instance, setting a target of losing 30kg in 2 months is not realistic. Can you achieve this goal with your current lifestyle? A coach can counsel you on setting more realistic and achievable targets based on your daily routine. Setting small targets to achieve a long-term goal is what a coach can bring to the table.
7. Problem Solver
Can’t stop that sugar or pizza craving? Got a headache? A hangover maybe? Don’t know what mid-meal you should eat? Is whole wheat bread good for you? You just ate a cupcake! What should you do? Your coach will always be by your side to answer these questions, to assist and guide you through all your problems.
credit: third party image reference
8. Authentic Source of Knowledge
There is this rising trend of fake health news on the world wide web and it can be extremely dangerous! These fake health tips coax people into trying ridiculous things like eating banana peels or following something like beer yoga! Your expert coach can guide you with proper factual information and keep you from making mistakes that can harm you!
Most importantly, a health coach can motivate and push you to achieve your goals.

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