Forest Fires leave out Blood-Red Haze turning Indonesia into Mars!

Forest Fires leave out Blood-Red Haze turning Indonesia into Mars!
credit: scoopwhoop
Forest fires and land fires in Indonesia has resulted in a drastic effect on the environment. It is believed that the fires have left out 360 million tonnes of carbon dioxide directly into the environment since August.
Forrest fires are a yearly affair in this part of the world but this year it has exceeding all the limits releasing toxic Haze into the air which resulted in blood red sky blanketing the Indonesian province. The ongoing fire has already incinerated a total of 3,28,000 hectares of land across Indonesia.
credit: nyp
The Cause.
Complex series of climatic changes and dry weather is deemed to be the main cause for the fires. Other than that, cultivation activities adopted by the farmers in the region have also contributed in triggering the forest fires. Farmers in these regions use the slash and burn technique which is very wrong considering the weather conditions.
It is also believed that most of these fires are started to clear the land for Palm oil plantations as Indonesia is the world's largest producer of Palm oils.
credit: instagram
The Impact.
Hundreds of people had to be evacuated from the area and many flights had to be cancelled due to the thick red smog in the air. The smog has also affected the animals specially the endangered orangutans in the region.
Almost 10 billion people under the age of 18 and a fourth of them being kids under the age of 5 are at risk due to air pollution Just like the Amazon Rainforests, the Southeast Asia Tropical Forest play a major part in maintaining the carbon dioxide levels and it's destruction have also caused in the increase of Greenhouse gases in the environment.
credit: instagram
The Measures.
To tackle the problem, the President of Indonesia has assigned 6000 troops that have been sent out to put out the fires in the most affected areas. Severe measures have been taken against palm oil companies as they have been sued with criminal charges and over 200 people have been arrested in connection with the fires.
If red smoggy skies and drastic climate changes are not proof that the world is in danger, then the worst is yet to come and we are not ready.

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