Losing hair uncontrollably? These are ALL the things that are causing your hair to fall out

Losing hair uncontrollably? These are ALL the things that are causing your hair to fall out
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High stress levels at work, family pressure and more can lead to extremely hair loss. Stress is known to be one of the most harmful feelings for the body which causes it to stop functioning as well as it should be. Manage your stress well and see your hair grow back once your body starts recovering. 
Iron deficiency is the most common form of Anemia and is a cause for hair loss. To reverse this, a simple iron supplement or increasing the consumption of dairy products is sure to help hair grow back and reduce problems like fatigue and pale skin. 
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One of the most normal things every woman goes through in life is pregnancy which changes her body a lot. The process is extremely stressful but the good part is that once the pregnancy period is over, hair definitely grows back!
Lack of protein
Protein is extremely important for hair growth. Not including protein in your diet can be extremely detrimental to hair loss since proteins are very important for good hair health. If you are a vegetarian, this could be one of the reasons that your hair is constantly falling out, which is why it is important to keep consuming fish oils and protein based beans. 
Extreme weight loss
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Sudden weight loss is indicative of physical problems and trauma. Loss of hair is a common side effect of weight loss even if the weight loss is good for you! It is your body's way of telling you that it is not getting all the minerals and nutrients that it used to but will reverse itself over a period of time once your body gets used to the pattern. 

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