Who Wakes up First? — Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Who wakes up first – you or God? YOU. You wake up first – while God is still asleep! And you should wake up because you are not asleep. If you are asleep, how can you ask the question?
When you wake up, you experience pleasure and pain. You become aware of the beauty and the shortcomings of the world. Then, when you seek the ultimate, your cry for help wakes up God.
And when God is awakened in you, there is no “two.” You realise that the whole world is filled with the atma (soul): it all Me. It is one Consciousness.
This one consciousness works through one person in one way, through another person in another way. It is one ocean with many waves. If this vision comes to you even for just five seconds then there will be such a major transformation in your body and mind.
Then a realisation will spring in you: Aho! All worries are washed off. Just for a second, recognize that it only Me in my enemy. I myself have started the Game. Understand this, but don’t turn it into a mood making.
God is asleep in every particle of this universe. God is in you in seed form. When he wakes up, neither you nor the world remain. The rishis made a mock practice of awakening God every morning.
They call it Suprabhatam service. Many people find this ridiculous because they don’t understand the depth of it. Only awakened God can see that God is everywhere asleep! (laughter)