5 Extreme Weather conditions the World Experienced this Year!

5 Extreme Weather conditions the World Experienced this Year!
Wake up citizens of the World! Climate change and Global Warming is real, and we just cannot take it lightly anymore. If you need more proof, here we list for you the extreme weather conditions around the world, in 2019, take a look:
credit: iop.org
1. Polar Vortex in USA
The polar vortex which is a phenomenon that turns water to Ice, caused Havoc in Jan 2019 in America. It was an extremely cold wave, with temperatures as low as -30 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 34.4 degrees Celsius).
credit: raymondtec.com
The arctic-chill in the air resulted in schools and offices being shut and also caused more than 50 deaths due to extreme cold.
2. Cyclone Fani in India
credit: kashmirobserver.net
Right in the midst of Summer this year, in May, a million people had to be evacuated from their homes as Cyclone Fani hit the Odisha in India. It was touted as the most severe storm in 20 years to hit the India, and caused more than $1.8 billion in damages in India and Bangladesh. The devastation resulted in many deaths too.
3. Heatwave in Europe
credit: erkansaka.net
In June this year, Europe was sweltering hot with an all-time high temp. of 45.9 degrees Celsius. Most areas in Europe had an orange alert, which is the 2nd highest level of warning. Other parts of Europe, including Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands, experienced severe heat wave and record-setting temperatures.
4. Monsoon Floods across India
credit: byricardomarcenaroi.blogspot.com
The torrential rains in Mumbai, Pune, MP, Kerala, Bengal were severe! From cloud bursts to cyclones, India experienced a monsoon which completely went berserk. While rivers were overflowing, rains continued lashing and about 400 to 500 people lost their lives in Indian monsoons this year.
5. Hottest month ever Recorded in Australia
credit: theconversation.com
In January 2019, Australia experienced the hottest month ever with temperatures exceeding 40 degrees. The heat triggered bushfires, and eventually caused huge damage to human and animal life.
If these events are not enough to make us realise what we are doing to the Planet we live in, then what will?

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