Few Basic Tips to Study Effectively

Few Basic Tips to Study Effectively
Do not be hungry: Keep a healthy snack beside you while studying such as nuts. One cannot concentrate on an empty stomach. Do not fill your stomach or else you end up feeling lazy and sleepy.
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Sleep: Have enough sleep of 7-8 hrs per day. Lack of sleep will only end up disturbing your concentration. Do not neglect this at all.
Break: Take mini breaks between long study time. Ex if you study continuously for 50 min you could take a short break of 8-10 min. This gives the mind time to relax and refocus but remember to concentrate in the study time without deviating.
Small concepts: Break down big chapters into tiny and small concepts and try completing them one by one. This allows the brain to finish the same chapter faster.
Understand the concept: Try to differentiate between the things to be memorised and understood. Just mere memorising everything will not go a long way, you need to understand the underlying concept and you are good to go.
Pattern/code: For memorising somethings an easy way is to workout a code or pattern which helps you to recollect it faster. Do not end up allotting a code for everything or else you will get confused.
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Play with colours: Invest in 2-3 good highlighter or colour pen and write or highlight key points with them while studying so it is easy while revising if you fall short of time at the end. Restrict to few colours.
credit: third party image reference
Set a time: Identify which type of person you are and put. Morning or a night type. Of course, early morning is the best time to study as the mind is fresh but if you are a night person I personally feel there is no point in forcing yourself to study early morning. But if you wish I always support if you want to change yourself to become a morning person. Do this gradually and you will get used to it.
Explain concept to friend: If any of your classmate or friend needs help in any topic, go ahead and explain as this will help both of you and you will retain the concept for a longer time.
Revise and recollect: Just mere completing the syllabus wont help, after every certain period you need to set time aside to revise and recollect.

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