Who made the Tricolor of India? 99 percent of people don't know

Who made the Tricolor of India? 99 percent of people don't know
Who made the Tricolor of India? 99 percent of people don't know
credit: third party image reference
1) Question: What is the name of MS Dhoni's wife?
Answer: Sakshi Dhoni
2) Question: Who was the Railway Minister presenting India's first railway budget?
Answer: John Mathai
3) Question: Who was the first Test cricket captain of India?
Answer: CK Naidu
4) Question: Which country does not have a single woman?
Answer: In Vatican City
5) Question: Who is the first Sikh Prime Minister of India?
Answer: Manmohan Singh
6) Question: Which is the bird that drinks only rain water?
Answer: pied crested cuckoo drinks only rain water.
credit: third party image reference
7) Question: Which was the first color film made in India?
Answer: Kisan Kanya
8) Question: Which country has America been a slave of?
Answer: England
9) Question: Which city is known as Empire City?
Answer: New York
10) Question: Where is the world's Tallest Shiva statue ?
Answer: Ganesh Tekri in Srinathdwara, 50 km from Udaipur in Rajasthan, is going to be the world's highest Shiva statue.
11) Question: Who was the first woman in the world to climb Mount Everest?
Answer: Junko Tabei of Japan
12) Question: The blind valley region is famous for which mineral?
Answer: For Uranium
13) Question: Who made the Tricolor of India?
Answer: Pingali Venkayya
credit: third party image reference

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