Why our Nose Blocks when we Cry,Let's See What.

Why our Nose Blocks when we Cry,Let's See What.
Welcome to science behind it part-1
Did you observe that our nose blocks when we cry and that can be explained easily with science.
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When you become emotionally unbalanced and so sad in facing few situation,when your are hurt,facing heavy pain,these type of emotions can be expressed by tears usually,normally eyes need some moisture or liquid frame as a process of protection.
The glands are called as lacrimal glands,they supply tears to cornea of the eye,they are located below eyebrows on the corner of eyelids.
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The reason why our nose blocks is the same glands also present in the connective path inside the cavity that when gets activated mixes the tears with mucus and hence our nose blocks,and later you can get relief from that.
credit: third party image reference
Few measures to have healthy eyes
1.Clean your eyes with fresh water.
2.Better to use tissues and clean clothes to rub or to clean eyes.
3.Takefood that contains vitamin-C,carrots.
4.Don't allow colour stop get in to eyes.
Hope these content can help you leading your life better than yesterday.

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