Dreams are seen by everyone, even if some people do not remember them when they wake up. In the state of sleep, our brain, which produces an alternate reality or fantasy film and displays it, we call it Sapna. Action, emotion, romance, comedy etc. have all the elements present in our dreams just like spice films - some less, some more. Sometimes these dreams also emerge as a horror film. We call them nightmares, nightmares, nightmares or nightmares. It is common for children to have scary dreams, due to which they wake up crying. But it is not that adults do not have scary or nightmares.

Occasionally, such dreams come to everyone. Due to fear, your sleep is broken, you sit up in a hurry, the heartbeat and breath feel fast. Then, you realize that it was just a dream. Then slowly you start being normal. But when it becomes a regular series, your sleep breaks due to repeated dreaded dreams, due to the fear of these dreams, you start to cling to sleep, then it is considered as a mental disorder, which needs treatment. This is called nightmare disorder or parasomnia.
Detection and treatment
If you have such dreams every once in a week. Due to fear, your sleep is broken, you sit up in a hurry, the heartbeat and breath feel fast. Then, you realize that it was just a dream.
Then slowly you start being normal. But when it becomes a regular series, your sleep breaks due to repeated dreaded dreams, due to the fear of these dreams, you start to cling to sleep, then it is considered as a mental disorder, which needs treatment. This is called nightmare disorder or parasomnia.
Causes of nightmare disorder
There can be many reasons for this disorder.

A major cause can be a tragic event in life. If for some reason you are constantly under stress or depression or are anxious, you may still have regular nightmares.
Consumption of alcohol or drugs can also cause nightmares, while during the process of quitting their addiction, such dreams can also occur. Similarly, nightmare disorder can also be caused by the consumption of any medicines or abruptly stopping their intake.
People who suffer from sleep apnea (breathing problem during sleep) can also regularly fall prey to scary dreams. Many times when a person who is deprived of sufficient sleep continuously falls prey to such dreams.
Apart from this, people who regularly watch horror movies or read horror story-novels can also have such dreams. Eating heavily before bedtime can also cause this.