When You Do Good You Will Be Awarded

When You Do Good You Will Be Awarded
A Camel and a Jackal lived together happily in a jungle. So, one day the Jackal came to the Camel with a plan.
The Jackal did not know how to swim and needed the Camel’s help to cross the river. The Camel liked the idea. He wanted to taste the juicy sugarcane’s too and agree to take the jackal on his back. They set out for the river together. Soon they reached the other side. On reaching the other side they set out to enjoy their meal of sweet sugarcanes.
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After a while the Jackal was full. He was not hungry anymore and began to howl loudly. The Camel asked him not to do so. ‘You will get us in trouble’, said the Camel. The Jackal did not stop saying it is his habit to howl after meals.
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His howling attracted the attention of the farmers. They all reached the spot with long sticks. Seeing the farmers, the Jackal ran away and hid behind a thick bush. The Camel could not hide and got badly beaten by the farmers.
After a while when the farmers were gone the jackal came out of his hiding. It was time to cross river back home now. The Jackal requested the Camel to take him across the river. He agreed. The Camel was unhappy with the Jackal wanted to teach the jackal a lesson.
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They set out for the river again and started crossing. After a while when the water was deep enough the Camel began roll. The Jackal got scared and told him not to do so. But the Camel said that it was his habit to do so after meals.
As a result, the Jackal slipped off the Camel's back and fell into the water and drowned.

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