Laugh out loudly for astronaut jokes

Laugh out loudly for astronaut jokes
An Astronaut in space was asked by a reporter," How do you feel?"
"How would you feel," the Astronaut replied," if you were stuck here, on top of 20,000 parts, each one supplied by lowest bidder?"
credit: third party image reference
Two Astronauts were in a spaceship circling high above the earth. One had to go on a space walk while the other stayed inside. When the space walker tried to get back inside the spaceship, he discovered that the cabindoor was locked, so he knocked. There was no answer. He knocked again, louder this time. There was still no answer.
Finally he hammered at the door as he could and heard a voice from insert the space
ship asking," Who's there?"
credit: third party image reference
A group building a rocket ship to send into outer space consulted the great mathematician John Von Neumann. When he saw the incomplete structure, he asked, "where did you get the plans for this ship?"
He was told," we have our own staff of engineers."
He disdainfully replied, "Engineers! Why, I have completely sewn up the whole mathematical theory of rocketry. See my paper of 1952."
Well, the group consulted the 1952 paper, completely scrapped their 10 million dollars structure, and rebuilt the rocket exactly according to Von Neumann's plans. The minute they launched it, the entire structure blow up. They angrily called Von Neumann and said: "We followed our instructions to the letter. Yet when we started it, it blow up! why?" Von Neumann replied," Ah, yes; that is technically known as the blow-up problem - I treated that in my proper of 1954."
credit: third party image reference

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