Do you Know that How many Types of Computers Exit?

Computer has been categorized in the following parts likewise…
Analog Computer: Analog Computers are used mostly in medical Sciences. This very kind of something similar then kind of technology having will be useful.
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Digital Computer: Digital Computers are the most commonly used computer on a digital technique which is widely used and preferred now-a-days. This kind of computer uses microprocessor technology which is quite digital and able to calculate and execute million of instruction within a second. This also comes under kind of categories as we see downwards…
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1. Micro Computer: The processor is very small so that called Microprocessor and device is called Micro computer. Micro Computer is single user device Example: Desktop, Laptop, Palmtop, Notebook, PDA etc.
2. Mini Computer: The processor of Mini Computer is small but larger than Microprocessor. Mini Computer multi user device generally use in designing company for commercial use.
3. Mainframe Computer: it has larger processor and multi user device. Number of users is more than Mini Computer. This is multi-user and multitasking device mostly used in Metro-logy.
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4. Super Computer: The processor is biggest than other Computer and processing capacity is highest than other devices. It is Multi user fastest calculating device, generally used in nuclear science for calculation purpose. CRAY-1 is the first super computer. India’s first super computer is PARAM-10000.
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Hybrid Computer: The kind of computer comes with both characteristics (digital and analog) are called hybrid. This is used there it needs to calculate both the digital and analog data for Example-Hospitals.

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