We all know about the Guinness Book of World Records. This award is given to outstanding talent and skills. The longest mustache, the long beard, the tall man, we have all heard about these, but we are going to tell you about some of the skills recorded in the Guinness Book that you will also be surprised to know.

1. Longest cappuccino - We all are fond of drinking coffee and when it comes to cappuccino, we all get water in our mouth. But the Italian people have made such a record that everyone is stunned to hear it. In fact, in Italy, people of Altoga made a 4,250 liter cup of cappuccino on 20 October 2013. According to records, with the help of more than 33 people and nine different coffee machines, this work was completed. This cappuccino has received the longest cappuccino award ever.

2.Kissing record - Kissing is a special way to express your love. Often people like to express the depth or feelings of their love. Which mother does her son, father to his daughter or lover to his girlfriend. But a special record is made by a person in whom he made the Florian Silbereisen and Alba Dancers Berlin (both Germany). He did kisses 74 times in just 30 seconds.

3. Rubber Duck Collection - A person has made a collection of rubber duck in which he has collected more than five thousand six hundred rubber ducks. All this is currently kept in the duck room.