Some Of The India's Greatest Discoveries And Inventions

There is no doubt about the fact that India has contributed to the world in the field of any subject – be it astronomy, architecture, metallurgy, logic, cartography, mathematics, medicine, mineralogy etc. In recent years. India has also shown its remarkable presence worldwide in the field of automobile engineering, communications, information technology, space research and polar technology. Right from the discovery of ‘zero’ by Aryabhata to the use of flush toilets to other modern technologies, we come across several inventions and discoveries in India, which are accepted by everyone all across the globe, and for which we should be proud of.
• Zero and Number System
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Concept of zero was first appeared in India around 458 AD. Hindu astronomer and mathematician named Aryabhata was the first person to create a symbol for zero . We all know that mathematical operations like addition and subtraction starts with using zeros. Zero plays an important role in doing mathematical operations. The number system we use today with decimals, palce values was also invented in India between 1st and 6th centuries.
• Buttons
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Excavations in Mohenjodaro of Indus Valley Civilisation revealed the existence of buttons, which were used by the people that time not for fastening but for ornamental purposes. Buttons were thus invented in India and they were made of shells with two holes at the centre.
• Natural Fibers
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The varied natural fibres like wool and cotton originated in India. Prior to this, the Greeks used to wear animal skin. During the Indus Valley Civilization, people started cotton and jute cultivation. India then invented the art of cotton spinning and later it was converted to fabric. It is also said that cashmere wool, derived from the Kashmir goats, was made in Kashmir first. Even today, cashmere shawls and woollens have maintained their richness and exclusivity.
• Cataract surgery
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The first cataract surgery was performed by the ancient Indian physician Sushruta in 6th century. To remove the cataract from the eyes, he pushed the lens and used a curved needle to remove it, which were then kept immersed in warm butter for a few days till they were healed completely. Many people from various other countries came to India to seek treatment from Sushruta. His surgical works were later translated to Arabic language and got transported to the European countries!
• Medicinal Treatment
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Indians were the first to identify leprosy and many remedies for this disease were found in the Atharva Veda. The treatment of removing stones or the lithiasis treatment was first introduced in India. 
Upendra Nath Bramhachari, a Nobel prize nominee and Indian medical practitioner, invented methods to treat visceral leishmaniasis or kala azar or black fever.
• Shampoo
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The shampoo is derived from the word 'champoo' , which means head massage.
The Nawabs of Bengal around 1762 during the Mughal rule, used head massage oil which was referred as champo. Over the years, the champo oil got evolved into shampoo.
• Rockets
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It was in the 1780s, Tipu Sultan, ruler of the South Indian Kingdom of Mysore, and his father Hyder Ali first made use of iron-cased and metal-cylinder rockets against the large British East India Company’s forces during the Anglo-Mysore Wars. So the first invention of rockets started in India!

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