The Bermuda Triangle a myth or reality

The Bermuda Triangle a myth or reality
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The Bermuda Triangle is a place in the Western part of North Atlantic Ocean. It is present in the Southern tip of Florida and covers approximately 500000 square miles of ocean. The three tips of the triangle are Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Miami (Florida). Many strange incidents have occurred in the place over the years. The region is famously called Devil's Triangle because of the paranormal incidents that have been reported from the place since time immemorial.
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There are many reports of disappearances of ships and aircraft from the region. There have been cases where pilots or sailors have felt that their plane or ships were surrounded by a cloud and all equipments inside the plane or ships had stopped working. The cloud travelled with them for some time and then suddenly disappeared. There have also been cases where ships with crew members have disappeared suddenly. Then the ship has reappeared without the crew members only to disappear again.
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Scientists have found out several theories to explain the crashes but the fact remains that if the planes or ships had crashed then at least its remains should be visible. There were some incidents that scientists couldn't explain. They said the incidents that could not be explained by science were fake. However, in real life, many incidents cannot be explained by science. So the next time you want to visit a country you have not visited before make sure you avoid this place.

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