The Health Benefits of Milk

The Health Benefits of Milk
Milk is an excellent course of vitamins and minerals, including "nutrients of concern," which are under-consumed by many populations.
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It provides potassium B12, Calcium and Vitamin D, which are lacking in many diets. Milk are the rich source of protein, with just one cup containing 8 g. Proteins are necessary for many vital functions in our body, including growth as well as development, cellular repair and immune system regulations. Drinking milk is associated with a lower risk of age-related muscle loss in many studies. In fact, higher consumption of milk has been linked to greatwhole-body muscle mass, and better physical performance in older adults.
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Drinking milk has been associated with healthy bones. This is due to its powerful combination of nutrients, including calcium, phosphorus, potassium, protein and Vitamin K2.
Several studies have linked milk intake to a lower risk of obesity. Interestingly, this benefit has only been associated with whole milk. A study in 145 three-year-old Latino children found that higher milk-fat consumption was associated with a lower risk of childhood obesity. Milk is a nutrition beverage that provides a number of health benefits. Moreover, it's a versatile ingredient that can be been easily added to your diet. If you are not like milk, then there are other dairy products that have similar nutrient profiles e.g. unsweetened yogurt made of milk contain same amount of nutrients present in milk. 
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Although milk may be a good choice for some, others can't digest it or choose not to consume it. Many people can't tolerate milk because they're unable to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and dairy products.
Milk is a nutrient-rich beverage that may benefit your health. It's packed with important nutrients like Ca, P, Vitamins B, K and Vitamin D. Plus, it is an excellent source of protein.
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