These are the some most unique animals in the world

These are the some most unique animals in the world
Due to the beak of this animal's shoes, it is known as ShoeBill.
credit: third party image reference
Thorny devil
This is a lizard species which is easily hidden in the desert soil. It also has a fake head, which it uses to give a threat to people.
credit: third party image reference
The pacu fish
credit: third party image reference
These human-made teeth do not pay to kill their prey. This fish is also known as ball cutter.
Goblin shark
These species of shark fish found in the depth of 100 meters of sea surface are found in almost the whole world.
credit: third party image reference
The Bush vipers
Found in Africa's tropical jungles, this snake makes most of its prey in the darkness of the night.
credit: third party image reference

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