- Football Or Soccer : Football is the most loved and most viewed sport in the world.
It accounts a total of more than 4 billion people in the world follows soccer. Football was first
Introduced in England back in 1850's .Football is very much famous in south american countries
Like Brazil and Argentina.Not only In south america the game is worshiped in most of the
European and African countries and less parts of Asia.
2. Cricket : Cricket Is liked by more than 2.5 billion people all over the world. this sport is
widely played inAsian sub continent of India,Pakistan,Lankan,Bangladesh and Afghanistan.
The game is actually introduced by British and played in some parts of Europe , Australia and
Caribbean Regions.
3 .Field Hockey : Field Hockey has more than 2 billion fans in the world . Hockey is playing in
almost all parts of the world. It is the national sport for India.
4 . Tennis : Tennis is the fourth most viewed sport in the world. It is a racket sport .
Tennis can be played individually or with two players against other two. the main difference
Between tennis and other 3 sports is only 2 to 4 players are played against each other
at atime whereas in other 3 sports more than 10 players involved.