Why 2020 is very important year for Facebook and Youtube.
Monthly active users for Facebook is 2.4 billion and for youtube 2 billion.

People all over the globe now have tend to know about something from videos. Think about your side. If any information given you in both article and video format you prefer video to aquire information from it. For this particular behavior of human being youtube growing rapidly other than Facebook.

If you have Facebook account from 2015 you can understand the dramatic change in Facebook content. Now Facebook has more video contents from the condition of 2015. Because Facebook want to capture the audience by using the video preference of human being. So if one video content creator right now start working on those two platform he will be millionaire within next few years if right path is following. Video content not only attract audience but also attract advertising house to use space in your screen to promote their products. So videos get more revenue on social media other than articles.

2020 has potential to shift the audience more in YouTube than Facebook. So this year is challenging both for the social platforms