Will A Computer Ever Be Able To Replace A Person?
All coins have two aspects, and the same goes with technology.
We have designed a computer and its operating system for the human being. Many of us always think the computer is faster than us. All the functions of computers are quicker than a person. It shows most of the result quick and fast. It is more powerful than a human being and can perform a task with unbelievable precision. It shows error free result. We may perform any types of task easily and accurately. We save time and energy by using this machine. The computer is a revolution in this modern era. We are operating most of the functions by computer only which has made our life comfortable. For example train booking, our education system, our security system, and many other things are today being operated commuters and its counterparts.

By observing this entire miracle, scholars believe that one day it will replace the human. All coins have two aspects, and same goes with technology. We have made this machine we have developed the entire operating functions and is controlled by us. A computer has the intelligence and reasoning power.

Do you think it will be superior to us? It is just like tools. It has no feeling like us. The computer follows our command and acts according to our instructions. The computer can solve many problems. Today we have made a supercomputer which is also far quicker than a normal computer. We have made this amazing machine and if we can, we can also destroy the same if needed.

The only problem with this cannot understand our feelings, sensation and emotional feeling. This tool has no sensory organ which may understand us. A computer is a tool and in any manner, it cannot replace a human. It has unique programming that can be altered all, according to our needs and wish.