5 Personal hygiene habits to get rid of

1. Antibacterial soap:
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The inscription "antibacterial" does not affect the number of microbes, which soap can eliminate. And its use can also be dangerous because the composition contains triclosan, and it is banned in some countries.
And the most unpleasant side effect of such soap is dry hands, from which no moisturizer can save.
2. Using an electronic dryer:
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People mistakenly believe that hot air kills bacteria more efficiently. This information is fundamentally incorrect. Dryers only spread bacteria, so you should give preference to paper towels and disposable towels.
Unlike electric dryers, they do not spread pathogenic bacteria. It is also worth noting that high temperatures dry the skin very much.
3. Frequent showering:
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High-temperature water can wash away the protective lipid layer from your skin. For this reason, doctors recommend reducing the time spent in the shower. And, of course, frequent trips to the shower impair immunity and other protective functions of the body.
4. Frequent peelings:
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Doctors do not recommend overdoing with peels, because they also remove the lipid layer from the skin, and it is extremely important for human health. Frequent peelings can accelerate the aging process, but if you know the measure and spend no more than two weeks, then the effect will be extremely positive, and your skin will always be young and smooth.
5. Ear wash:
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The worst habit is frequent ear cleaning. People are ready for anything to get perfectly clean ears, which is why they use cotton buds, which can severely damage the eardrum. However, such methods can adversely affect ear health.
The best way to clean the ear: Drip a drop of mineral oil inside the ear, this will help to soften the surface then rinse it thoroughly with water and gently wipe with a towel.

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