Girls live far away from 3 types of boys

Insure boy
 No one likes the insured person over anything. In such a situation, if the boy tells his girlfriend during the first date that he is very insure about her, then know that this relationship is not going to last long and girls do not like insure boys at all.
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 Lack of confidence
 Girls always like boys who have no lack of self-confidence and if you are lacking in confidence and you are afraid to say anything in front of your lover, then this habit can be a hindrance in the way of your love. Can. Whenever you meet girlfriends during dating, leave with nervousness and meet with full confidence.
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 Nervous boys
 Girls always like boys who are bold and feel confident to take any risk and adapt themselves in every situation. At the same time, girls do not like boys who are always nervous or depend on them for answers to every question related to their life or feel hesitant to do anything because they are nervous because girls are rejected outright. 
credit: third party image reference

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