These mistakes cause conflicts in every relationship

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Whatever the relationship is, if there is love, small disputes continue. This kind of wrangling strengthens your relationship. But many times you make such mistakes, which make your partner feel bad and the talk goes to quarrel or breakup. If you understand the problems in the relationship and know how to deal with it, then your relationship will always remain sweet. Let us tell you what is the cause of most problems in the relationship ....
 1. boredom from relationship
 Seeking a thrill in love, youngsters nowadays become bored with relationships in a short period of time. After this, they do not pay attention to their partner. In such a situation, most relationships start to crack. In such a situation, it is important that you maintain the thrill of your relationship in one way or the other. For this you can make surprise gift, long drive, romantic dinner or holiday plan.
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2. Do not be restrained while speaking
 While fighting many times, the Porterers say something that hurts the self-respect of the front. In battle, we often forget what we have said, but sometimes during this time we say something that your partner feels very bad. Also, avoid having to name someone during a fight and compare it with him. By doing this, you are not even entitled to an apology.
 3. To stare at all times
 Eavesdropping on your conversations, keeping an eye on your WhatsApp or Facebook, and keeping an eye on your e-mail are also a sign that your relationship is going in the wrong direction. At such a time, you should talk to them lovingly and explain yourself.
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4. Misconceptions
 All such misunderstandings spoil people's relationship even before it starts. So do not let these things come to your mind, nor do you tell your partner any bitter thing about these things. Sometimes your doubts about your partner may also be correct, but in such a situation, you should talk to your partner directly. In trying to find out from our side, there is a lot of bitterness in many relationships and relationships break up forever.
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5. Expect more from partner
 Excessive expectations in relationships are the biggest cause of relationship rift. By understanding every partner's compulsion and compulsion, behaving accordingly, the relationship can go well. Many times you ask for more money, more time, expensive things etc. from the partner which they cannot easily fulfill. Apart from this, people often force a partner on the relationship, which is wrong. Expecting excessively only worsens the relationship.

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