5 Easy Tips To Get Prettier In 10 Days

1. Exercise every morning:
Yes, in general, it is not so easy, especially if you are not used to playing sports regularly. But you just need to make an effort and do even the most simple, elementary exercises. Within a week, you will notice that your body has become much better.
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2. Reduce the amount of salt:
Often, due to the high salt intake, edema can occur, since it retains fluid in the body. Of course, you should not refuse it at all, but it’s worth minimizing the amount. A few days, and you will notice that puffiness has almost disappeared.
3. Do not use towels:
If you have sensitive and problematic skin, it is better to refuse fabric towels. Pay attention to paper towels that do their job more gently and delicately. It’s best not to wipe your face, but lightly blot it with water.
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4. Cold and hot shower:
Doctors always say that this is a very useful procedure. Moreover, if you spend it in the morning, instead of a standard and familiar shower. It helps to wake up faster, improve blood circulation and skin tone. Start with minimal water temperature drops.
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5. Massage:
If you do not have any contraindications, then sign up for a massage session, even the simplest one. It helps to improve blood circulation and the general tone of the body, which obviously will not be harmful. Especially if you have some problems or salt deposits. This is truly one of the best cosmetic and medical solutions. Find a good, experienced massage therapist and enjoy it!

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