If your smartphone is hanging repeatedly, then follow these special methods

You too are definitely making some mistakes if you are worried about your phone getting hung again and again. Just keep these things in mind and see how your phone will run like butter.
credit: third party image reference
 Application transfer
 If there are many applications in your phone, then it would be better to delete such apps which you do not use. Also, transfer apps to external memory.
credit: third party image reference
This will make room for internal memory. If you want, while installing the application, insert it directly into external memory. Go to Settings and go to Storage, select SD card option there. This feature is only for those whose phones have both memory.
credit: third party image reference
 Save data on drive
 Along with the phone, keep all your important data saved on email, Google Drive or Cloud. It will be safe forever and if the phone goes bad or if something gets deleted then there will be nothing to worry about. After saving on the cloud, delete that data from the phone so that memory is in place.
 Factory reset
 Use the option of factory reset only if all methods have been adopted. This will remove all the data coming from websites, apps and browsers that are not needed. Since it removes all apps, phone numbers, photos, songs, it should not be used normally. But if you are going to do this, then it is better to save everything else first. If you want, transfer to SD card.

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