List of 11 Interesting Facts about Sleeping

Sleep is an essential part of life and we spend roughly a third of our lives slpeeping (or at least trying to), yet we don’t know what goes on while we sleep. You might be not aware of the fact that if you sleep on the left side of the bed, it means you want to get a good start to the day, you like your job, have a lot of friends, and wake up in a good mood with a more positive outlook on life. If you sleep on the right side, you prefer your own company, are grumpier, more pessimistic and don't like your job according to a study from sealy U.K.
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Lisa Medalie, a behavioral sleep specialist at the University of Chicago says , “A full sleep cycle takes about 90 to 120 minutes, says psychologist. You go through four stages, starting with the lightest one and ending with rapid-eye movement (REM) and usually people wake up for a couple minutes after each complete sleep cycle."
Here is the list of 11 interesting facts about sleeping.
1)You can only dream about faces you have already seen.
2)The record for the longest period without sleep 18 days, 21 hours, 40 minutes.
3) Having a newborn baby typically results in 400-750 hours of lost sleep for the baby's parents in the first year
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4) Loosing sleep reduces your pain tolerance.It may disrupt the body's pain signaling system, heightening sensitivity to painful stimuli.
5) Getting too little sleep often makes people feel hungrier than normal, leading to overeating and weight gain.
6) There are two periods of maximum sleepiness- the late afternoon (from around 3 to 5 PM) and the end of the night (from around 3 to 5 AM). There are also two periods of maximum alertness around 1am in the morning and 1 pm in the afternoon.
7)12% of people dream in black and white.
8) Human sleep on average around three hours less than other primates likes chimps, rhesus monkeys, squirrel monkey and babot, all of whom sleep for 10 hours.
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9) Some sleeping tables, such as barbiturates suppress REM sleep, which can be harmful over a long period
10)Both whales and dolphins literally fall half asleep. Their brain hemispheres takes a turns so they can continue surfacing to breathe.
11) Scientists have determined that counting sleep is ineffective for putting oneself to sleep. Evidently it is too boring and imagining a calming landscape generally works much better.

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