PM Modi said immunity will save from Coronavirus, following these 5 tips every day will prevent you

Coronation is spreading its foothold in the country along with the world, today, where the total number of infected people in the country has increased to 418, 7 people have also died due to this deadly virus in the country. Because of this growing epidemic in the country, the Prime Minister held an online meeting with the media institutions of the country,
In this meeting, he stressed that people should stay at home and work from there, the Prime Minister said that people living at home should also keep their immune system strong, then let us tell you how to keep the immunity system strong is,
1. To increase immunity, do three pranayamas, one is bhastrika to do two to three minutes, the other is kapalbhati which can do five to 10 minutes, the third is inverse.
2. According to doctors, drink plenty of green vegetables. You can also eat them as a salad if you want, in addition you should consume sufficient amount of milk and curd.
3. When you are staying at home during this lockdown, then you also have to drink more and more water. You must use lemon, ginger turmeric and basil in your daily diet.

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