These are the top 10 most dangerous missiles of India, Check it out

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Pakistan, which has done global shame on Kashmir issue, presently needs to frighten India by showing its weapons. On Thursday, the Pak Army tried the ballistic rocket Ghaznavi. Be that as it may, what number of rockets Pakistan tests, it will even now fall behind India. India has its intercontinental ballistic rocket, while it is as yet a fantasy for Pakistan. India has numerous such rockets which are risky. 
1. Agni 5 
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Agni 5 is an Agni Series between mainland ballistic rocket. Discussion about the scope of this risky rocket, its labor is 5500 km. In the event that an adversary comes before India, India can likewise expand its assault power when the opportunity arrives. 
2. Agni 4 
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In contrast to the previous form, the Agni-4 rocket is a lot lighter. New innovation has been utilized in this rocket. This rocket can strike in excess of 4000 km. 
3. Agni 3 credit: third party image reference
The Agni-3 rocket has a length of 17 meters and a breadth of two meters. It can convey payloads up to one and a half tons. This rocket, fit for land-to-ground hitting, can strike 3500 kilometers away. 
4. Agni 2 credit: third party image reference
Agni-2 rocket is likewise special and incredible. These rockets can convey as much as 2,000 kilometers with a payload of one ton. 
5. Agni 1 credit: third party image reference
The Agni-1 rocket was begun in India in 1999 while its first test was done in 2002. Its deadly assault is 700 km. 
6. Nirbhay credit: third party image reference
Nirbhay is additionally a ground-breaking rocket which is a subsonic journey rocket. The Nirbhay rocket accompanies strong rocket engine sponsors and turbofan motors that improve its presentation. Discussing its destructive assault, it is 800 to 1000 kilometers. It can secure the nation in any season. 
7. Prahaar credit: third party image reference
Prahaar short range is a ballistic rocket. This rocket has a strike scope of 150 km. It could be incorporated into the Indian Army's rockets by one year from now. 
8. Naag credit: third party image reference
With a scope of 4 km, this rocket weighing 42 kg can convey 8 kg of explosives with it. This rocket works dependent on Fire and Fargate. It very well may be terminated from ground to ground and ground to air. 
9. BrahMos credit: third party image reference
BrahMos rocket is likewise unique in itself. The rocket was worked by India and Russia together. It is viewed as the world's best journey rocket. It has a scope of 290 kilometers and a speed of 4.5 Mc. 
10. Akash credit: third party image reference
The Akash rocket weighs 700 kg. With its assistance, it tends to be hit starting from the earliest stage the air. It has a speed of 2.5 MAC and its most significant thing is that it is equipped for infiltrating anything in the scope of 25 kilometers. It is known as the Patriot of India.

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