Top 10 HAUNTED Facts which will shock you,Check out

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1. Elizabeth Bathory, considered the most murderous woman in history, bathed in virgins blood to stay young.
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2. On Halloween, the spirits of the dead are supposed to walk on the earth with the living.
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3. If a candle's flame burn blue or suddenly goes with no apparent draft or breeze, its a sure sign that ghost are present.

4. Your body is weakest during 3:00am to 4:00am. This is the time when most of the people die in their sleep.

5. If we had a moment of silence for every victim of the Holocaust, we would be silent for 11 years.

6. It would take 1,200,000 mosquitoes each sucking once, to completely drain the average human body blood.

7. In 2007, a man in Florida woke up with a severe headache. When he went to the hospital, they found a bullet in his head, it turned out that his wife had shot him in the head while he was sleeping.

8. It is believed that when you die in a dream, you wake up because your brain cannot process the idea and what comes after.
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9. Every year ,Humans release 40 billion tons of carbon dioxide. 
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10. You can tell if you are dreaming or not by looking around for clocks. Clocks never appear in dreams.

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