5 OMG Facts. Who came first hen or egg ?

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Fact 1 :- Chicken is older than egg .
people often debates on that question . Here is the result. Scientists concluded that the chicken came first, not the egg because the protein which makes egg shells is only produced by hens.
credit: third party image reference
Fact 2 :-Tigers remember everything and also takes revenges.
Nothing is dangerous than a wounded tiger.
In 1997, a poacher attacked on a tiger and also stole some part of tiger's hunt. The tiger found the poacher's cabin, destroyed his belongings,
Wait at least half a day for him to return,
then killed and ate him.
Fact 3 :- Human skeleton consists old and new bones together.
The human skeleton completely
regenerates itself every 10 years.
Since this is happening constantly,
you always have a blend of old
and new bones in your body.
The strongest bone in your body is Jawbone.
credit: third party image reference
Fact 4 :- Crow pulls animal's tail.
Crows love to pull tails.
It's a strategy they use to distract an
animal from eating ,so they can
steal its food, but they've also
been known to do it just for fun.
Fact 5 :- Smart women prefers to remain single.
Women with higher IQ's have a harder time finding a mate.
Intelligent women would rather remain single than be with wrong person.
Average women have 3 to 5 best friends , and usually hates on person in their social group.
credit: third party image reference
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