Photos of Marvel Actors With Their Stunt Doubles.

It is not a secret that some actors are ready to do anything to get into the role .Some of them perform some crazy dangerous stunts.if a stunt man replace a actor in some times for protecting from injuries.Imagine what would happen if the protagonist of the movie gets serous injury? It will break all deadlines,Filims.that's why Doubles come to the aid of actors.Doubles are play very important role in the filim industry. They deserve more love.
Here are some MCU actors with their stunt Double.
1.Chris Hemsworth & Bobby Holland Hanton
the MCU character name is Thor
credit: third party image reference
2.Chris Pratt & Tony McFarr
The MCU Character name is StarLord
credit: third party image reference
3.Scarlet Johansson & Heidi Moneymaker
The MCU Character name is Nadasha Romenoff
credit: third party image reference
4.Andrew Garfield & William Spencer
The MCU CCharacter name is Peter Parker (spider man)
credit: third party image reference
5.Chris Evans & Sam Hargrave
The MCU Character name is Steve Rogers(Captain America).
credit: third party image reference
6.Mark Ruffalo & Anthony Molinari
The MCU Character name is Bruce Banner(Hulk).
credit: third party image reference
7.Dave Baustista & Rob DeGroot
The MCU Character name is Drax.
credit: third party image reference
8.Tom Hiddleston & Paul Lacovara
The MCU Character name is Loki.
credit: third party image reference
9.Zoe Saldana & Chole Bruce
The MCU Character name is Gamora.
credit: third party image reference
10.Tom Holland & Holland Diaz
The MCU Character name is Peter Parker (Spider man)
credit: third party image reference
11.Cate Blanchett & Zoe Bell
The MCU Character name is Hela (The god of death)
credit: third party image reference
12. Keren Gillian & Kelly Richardson
The MCU Character name is Nebula.
credit: third party image reference
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