Some of the powerful superheroes in the MCU

We all know that for some time now Marvel Cinematic Universe has been ruling the box-office . Thanks to the marvel studios we are aware of some of the best super heroes that the world has to offer. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has shown us how an alien invasion will feel like and how a hero should be and many other things as well . We all have our favourite super heroes for some it is Ironman and for some it is the Hulk . It differs from person to person . Even though we have our own favourite superhero we are not sure who is the most powerful among them all. So here we are going to find out the answer for you . 
10. Vision
credit: third party image reference
As we all know that vision is a super robot and not only that he also controls the mind stone which makes him one of the most powerful creature in the MCU.
9. Black Panther
credit: third party image reference
Black Panther was a new character when he was introduced to us in the movie "Civil War " . Now he is the king of Wakanda . If you ask me black panther is the richest Avenger and not only that he also has many super powers like superhuman strength , healing just to name a few of his abilities.
8. Spider Man
credit: third party image reference
We all know about spider man he is one of the most popular character in the entire marvel cinematic universe .Well this character is currently played by Tom Holland. 
7. Hulkcredit: third party image reference
Hulk is a green raging monster . We know that when he losses his control he turns into a monster and not only that he is very powerful at that time. But now he is know as Professor Hulk.
6. Doctor Strange credit: third party image reference
Doctor Strange is a magician and not only that he also controls the Time stone which makes him one of the most powerful heroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
5. Captain America credit: third party image reference
He was a soldier who became a super solider . We know that the super solider serum gave him many abilities and this made him one of the strongest Avenger in the entire MCU.
4. Iron Mancredit: third party image reference
Tony Stark or other wise known as Iron man might be the most liked person in the marvel universe. 
3. Thor credit: third party image reference
Thor is the god of thunder and this alone makes him one of the strongest character in the MCU . Now he has two weapons one is a hammer called Mjolnir and the other one is a axe called Storm breaker.
2. Scarlet Witchcredit: third party image reference
Her power came from the Mind stone . Wanda has abilities like telepathy , energy manipulation and many more . Wand is the only person that could have defeated Thanos .
1. Captain Marvelcredit: third party image reference
Her powers came from the Space stone . She is a powerful character that could have even rivaled Thanos.
This is based on my opinion and if you have any suggestion please try to comment it below . Not only that comment your favourite super hero .

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