New Delhi:Actor and producer Sharmiela Mandre known for her work predominantly in Kannada and Telegu films suffered injuries in a road accident in Bengaluru. She was accompanied by a friend, but the duo reportedly went missing from the accident spot making the police to launch a search operatiom.
As the police reached the hospital the actor and her friend was undergoing treatment. Both Sharmiela and her friend suffered injuries on their face but have been discharged after they insisted they want to see their family doctor.
According to a Deccan Herald report, the accident took place at around 3 am at the underbridge of Vasanth Nagar in Central Business District. The police came to know about the incident when a man called them and falsely claimed to have been driving the car, and urged the police to not register a case.
“We don’t know how the car hit the pillars in underbridge if the accident has taken place in JP Nagar. According to doctors, it is suspected that the duo was under the influence but a report yet to come,” the Deccan Herald report quotes the police as saying.
A case has been registered in High Grounds Traffic police station. The police suspects teh actor and her friend didnot have proper authorisation to drive their car during the nationwide coronavirus lockdown and hence fled the spot.