Tiger Shroff is best known for his action and physique in the Bollywood industry and the actor proved his mantle in his last release, Baaghi 3, but failed to mint success at the box office amid the coronavirus outbreak. The actor has been spending his time at his home and recently said that he is missing working out at the gym. However, the War actor found a way to pass his time and shared a video of his recreating the iconic action scene from the sci-fi action movie, Matrix.
Tiger has always been a fan of the Keanu Reeves starrer and has earlier shared videos of him recreating Matrix stunts as well. Taking it to his social media handle, Tiger revealed that he has been binge-watching the Matrix movie series as he wrote, "Me after watching all three matrix movies back to back. Tribute to #theone."
On the work front, the makers of Baaghi 3 earlier hinted that they might re-release the movie after the situation comes under control as the action movie starring Tiger Shroff and Shraddha Kapoor failed to perform at the box office due to the social distancing promotions and shut down of theatres at many metro cities.
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