How the Actor Stays Fit Even at the Age of 60

Father of three grown-up children, Anil Kapoor, looks smart, young and energetic. The actor has crossed his 50s and is in his 60s, but seems like he still is in his 30s. He still gets calls to play lead roles, while most actors of his time are playing side roles or the roles of parents or grandparents. The renowned actor has delivered brilliant performances in his past and also has some prestigious awards in his kitty. He has also acted in some International movies (Mission Impossible 4, Slumdog Millionaire) and TV shows (24). He is known to follow a disciplined lifestyle, which makes him stay fit even at the age of 61.
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Anil Kapoor spends around two to three hours in the gym, and changes his workouts as per the roles he plays in his upcoming movies. He goes cycling or jogging early in the morning, and prefers doing cardio for at least 10 minutes every day. He believes in concentrating on different parts of the body while working out, rather than focussing on one particular area. He also includes free weights, sit-ups, crunches, chair squats, and push-ups in his workout at his gym. The actor also practices yoga.
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Staying healthy and fit is just a matter of discipline.
 I have a diet regime. I eat rice, but it depends how much, how it is cooked and what type of rice it is.
I never touch samosas. But I love the crust. I don't have the filling. People say I look like a samosa without the filling!
According to this leading actor, it’s important that you notice the amount of sugar intake. Also, he believes in trying his skills in a wide range of workouts to avoid monotony. All those biggest fans of Anil Kapoor have now some excellent tips now to look their fittest.
Sanjay duty workout plan
Sanjay Dutt is currently preparing himself for the role of Ahmad Shah Abdali in his upcoming movie Panipat. Sanjay is training for in the gym these days to get the required physique, as the actor will be carrying heavy armour which weighs around 35kg. Apart from that Sanjay Dutt trains for his core and muscle maintenance. With growing age, muscle mass tends to decrease, however with proper weight training one can still be able to maintain it. Sanjay Dutt's Russian Wiper exercise on pull up bar can give tough competition to many youngsters out there.
The actor follows a diet plan in which he doesn’t have much carbs and fats. He includes mostly protein and fibre rich food in his meal where he mostly eats a combination of chicken and salad. Dutt also eats fish and also avoid eating food high in fat and salt.
credit: third party image reference

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