Top 26 Interesting Facts About France

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1. Cheesy Affair
France produce about a billion tonnes of cheese and more than 1,200 varieties of it throughout the year.
2. Most Visited
France is the most visited country in this whole wide world!
3. Oldest Human Voice
It’s in French that the oldest human voice is recorded.
4. Lutetia
Ever heard about Lutetia? Originally, Paris, the capital of France, was a Roman city called Lutetia.
5. You’ve Been Fished
If you’re in France on the first of April, don’t get surprised by the paper fish stuck on your back. You are now officially a ‘Poisson d’Avril’.
6. STOP!
You won’t find more than one ‘Stop’ sign in the whole city of Paris!
7. Busiest Railway Station
The famous Gare du Nord Railway Station is the busiest railway station in the entire world.
8. Marrying From The Grave
In France, one can marry a dead person. Interesting.
9. Cannes Film Festival
In may, the city of Cannes holds the most important Film Festival called Festival de Cannes for two weeks.
10. French Toast
Guess what? It isn’t French! and so isn’t French Fries.
11. Bikini
The two-piece bikini as we know it now, was invented in France in 1946 and was almost called atome.
12. King for 20 minutes
Louis XIX was a King for just 20 minutes between the abdication of his father and then his own abdication in favour of his nephew, the Duke of Bordeaux.
13. Tour de Eiffel
The Eiffel Tower is painted every seven years.
14. Licence Plate
The genius behind the licence plate was French.
15. Highest point
Not only Mont Blanc is the highest point in France, but it is also the highest in Europe.
16. Prenom
It is legally offensive to name a pig “Napoleon” in the French country.
17. Wedding Bells
The tradition of wearing white gowns was started by the French people in late 15th century.
18. Flag Fact
In early 19th century, the French Flag was a plain white.
19. Perfume Capital
Grasse is considered the perfume capital of the world.
20. National Animal
The National animal of France is the Gallic rooster.
21. Eiffel Tower Lost It
The most visited venue is not Eiffel Tower or The Louvre, but Disneyland in Paris.
22. Salut!
‘Salut’ is used both for greeting and parting.
23. City Of Lights
Named as the “City Of Lights”, the ‘lights’ in the phrase is connotative of the intellects of France.
24. When A Pig Was Hanged
In late 14th century, a pig was hanged for the murder of a child.
25. Metric System
It was during the time of French Revolution that the metric system was introduced.
26. Nobel Indeed
France has won the most Nobel Prize for literature and second most for mathematics

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