Source: Roz Dhan "SUPERFASTNEWS"
credit: third party image reference
The festive season has started. Diwali and Bhaiya Dooj are also coming in a few days. In such a situation, people make many types of sweets at home to double the fun of every festival and dissolve the sweetness in the relationship. Most of the sweets are made from mawa, which are very tasty to eat. But if the mawa used to make sweets is fake, it not only spoils the fun of the festival but also causes great harm to health. If you also want to buy fake garlands and avoid health damage, then keep these important things in mind while buying Mawa…
1. The easiest way to identify mawa is to keep in mind that real khoya is soft and fake khoya is coarse.
2. Before eating mawa, try eating a little mawa, if the mawa is real then it will not stick in the mouth while the fake mawa will stick.
3. Make a pill with Khoya on the palm. If it starts to explode, then understand whether the mawa is fake or adulterated.
4. Rub Mawa or Khoya on the nail of your thumb. If it is real then there will be a smell of ghee from it.
5. Raw Mawa will taste like raw milk when eaten. While tasting fake mawa, it tastes astringent
6. Put some sugar in the mawa and heat it. If it starts releasing water, then it is lost fake.
7. Real khoya dissolves quickly in water whereas fake khoya does not dissolve quickly in water.
8. The real khoya is not sticky but the fake khoya is sticky.
9. To detect fake mawa and beat it into water, it will be separated into granulated pieces.
10-Genuine Khoya is of white color and fake light yellow color.