Source: Roz Dhan "Health News 4 U"
credit: third party image reference
If anyone asks you what will be the healthiest start of the day? So maybe you will say Yogasan or Morning Walk, which is completely correct, but after Yoga and Morning Walk, if you have to start the day with a healthy diet, then lemonade is the healthiest option in hot water. This not only keeps you energetic, but it also keeps your weight under control. Come, know that the benefits of drinking lemon juice in hot water on an empty stomach-
food we eat, which is helpful in digestion, is passed through the food pipe. When we wake up with a good sleep, many of the residues get stuck in the food pipe and by drinking hot lemonade, these residues come out. .
Increases immunity.
Vitamin C and potassium present in lemon works to increase immunity. On an empty stomach, lemon water absorbs nutrients even better. In this way, the body absorbs the nutritious elements well throughout the day and takes full advantage of them.
it comes to effective weight loss in weight loss, the name of hot lemonade is first taken. Hot lemonade also increases metabolism and burn fat, which helps control weight, while drinking tea or coffee in the morning increases the amount of cholesterol in the body, as well as affects the sugar level.
lemon water
For glowing skin -
Vitamin C present in lemon is required for collagen formation. This makes your skin healthy. Hydration is also very important in skin care. Drinking warm lemonade in the morning removes poisonous substances and improves the skin.
Lemon is a natural mouth freshener to remove bad odor . By drinking lemonade every morning, the bad smell of the mouth is gradually removed.
A few drops of lemon with lukewarm water, which can help overcome constipation, can prove to be very beneficial for the stomach. If you have any such stomach problem then drinking lemonade can be very beneficial for you.