Source; Roz Dhan "Youthify soul"
We all have many plans and according to our perception, they are impeccable but now the question arises that really do our plan have any meaning ? Since childhood , we acquired traits from the people in our surroundings and most of the research shows that in majority of the cases , our surroundings and the environment around us decides our personality . But here the point to be noted is ' majority ' . There are no of people who have done something really out of the box , debilitating all the society norms . One day or the other we will find an obstacle standing upright in out life , we all know that life is all about choices and this is what makes or destructs our destiny . So , in this case also we have two choices either to revel or to give up and do what others are doing . Our biggest mistake is that we follow the set protocols by the society of success and then expect something eccentric to be happened with us .
credit: third party image reference
We all have hard times in our life, now again the choice is ours whether we want to fight back and cross this phase cracking it or just gaving it all up . Hard time teaches us to respect and handle our success and that of others .
We our trying our best to achieve our goals , but may be our competitors are setting an elevated bench mark for us . In this case we should just defile the epiphany of envy observe one's choices and decision in life . The quality of observing things accentuate our personality. And this attitude let the inferiority and superiority complexes to a dead end . We all are same maybe we differ on the grounds of our resources but if we have dedication and determination then it compensate every void in our life .
So , be happy in your life and prioritize your life according to your protocols because our extra 5 % efforts in our life makes all the difference . No matter what , we all have talents and qualities and we should make ourselves impeccable.