Nowadays, Indian films have also started earning hugely like Hollywood. Earlier, where a Bollywood film took at least 10 days to join a club of 100 crores, but it has now been only 3 days. Now there are many Bollywood movies that have reached the 100 crore club in just 3 days, So let's know which are these movies which have joined the club of 100 crores fastest.
5. Tiger Zinda Hai
This film touched 100 crores in 3 days. Let us tell you that there are many Indian films that have joined the club of 100 crores in 3 days, but the film grossed 114 crores in the first weekend therefore it is included in the top 5.
4. Sanju
Sanju film also earned 100 crores in 3 days, but the first week of the film grossed 119 crores. In this film, Sanjay Dutt was played by Ranbir Kapoor. Lifetime collection of this film was Rs 340 crores.
3. Saaho
Saaho was rated very poorly by film critics. The film earned around 131 crores in its first weekend itself, but the film took 3 days to join the 100 crore club.
2. 2.0
credit: third party image reference
The film touched 100 crores in just 2 days. The film featured Akshay Kumar and Rajinikanth in the lead roles. The film earned 421 crores in its lifetime.
1. Bahubali 2
credit: third party image reference
This film made history by joining the 100 crore club on its first day. This is the first film in India that has done this feat on the first day. The film's first day grossed 125 crores. Talking about the lifetime collection of this film, it is about 1115 crores.