How to make yourself taller: 8 ways to improve your height

How to make yourself taller: 8 ways to improve your height
Even after your puberty is over, you can still increase your height if you know how to do it properly.
Many people practice and spend a lot of time wondering how to be taller. You will be surprised to learn that your height is not entirely genetic. In fact, there are a number of environmental factors that affect your body and even your height.
8 ways to make yourself taller
#1: Get 8 hours of sleep every day 
Sleep is important for health, especially height development. Helps stimulate the growth of secretion of the pituitary gland, increasing height. On average, each person needs 7 - 8 hours of sleep a day. You absolutely should not stay up late because the night's sleep has a huge effect on the bones. This is the time when bone cartilage grows and grows fastest. Set a schedule so you can go to bed early and get up early.
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Besides, we should also ensure a nap from 20 to 30 minutes. This time period is short, but if it is lacking, it will not adversely affect the development of height and health!
# 2: Sunbathing
Many people wonder why drink a lot of milk, but the height is still growing slowly. The reason here is because the body lacks vitamin D.
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For calcium to work, along with daily supplementation, we need to increase vitamin D. Sunbathing is the best way to do this. You should sunbathe in the early morning, from 6h - 7h or late afternoon, from 4h30 - 5h30.
#3: Supplement calcium properly
Calcium is extremely important and a decisive factor for bone growth, especially nano-calcium. Therefore, in order for height to grow fast, we need to pay attention to calcium supplements properly for the body every day. You should use foods like eggs, milk, crabs, shrimp ... This is a safe and effective source of natural calcium. Besides, we can also rely on the "help" of synthetic calcium tablets.
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Staying away from bad eating habits like lots of sweets and fast foods is also a good thing to do to help your height grow well.
#4 Be active
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Sitting in one place will make the skeletal system stagnant, underdeveloped, premature aging ... This not only inhibits the height growth but also makes the longer ability of the bones to end soon. Therefore, regular exercise such as walking, doing housework ... When sitting or studying, you should avoid sitting for long periods of time, get up to take breaks, relax, stretch after 45 - 60 minutes.
#5: Do not use stimulants
According to information from the University of Colombia: "Studies have shown that smokers or exposure to smoke, especially children, are taller than the rest."
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Stimulants such as nicotine in cigarettes, alcohol in alcohol, beer have a great influence on bone. It reduces bone density, wreaks havoc on bone cells, makes it difficult for bones to grow, brittle and very fragile. This is extremely dangerous for the development of the skeletal system, which includes height development.
#6: Keep your spirits up
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Mentality is also a very important factor for bone growth. It has an effect on the development of the whole body. When you fall into a state of fatigue, anxiety, stress, eating is affected, other activities stagnate, which is followed by bone growth and height is also affected.
#7: Work out 
The effective way to increase height effectively is to exercise and exercise. Regular exercise helps to increase the metabolism in the body, causing growth hormone to secrete more, thereby increasing bone mass.
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You should practice the sports stimulating growth of height as fast as the sports with jumping, kicking (high jump, long jump, swing beam, basketball ...) and drag exercises stretching (yoga, flexibility, swimming ...) However, we remember to practice regularly, maintain at least 1 hour a day, avoid halfway because it will not be able to achieve a good effect.
#8: Adjust your standard posture
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You may not know, the regular position of the body also affects the spine and physique, thereby affecting height. We should adjust the body to the standard posture. In particular, you should avoid postures that are not conducive to height such as letting your shoulders hang, leaning back, resting your hands on your chin, nodding your head, sitting crooked, sleeping convulsively, arching your back, pressing your legs to your chest or lying on your stomach...

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