Carrot contains many of the benefits in it.It contains much nutritions such as vitamins A,C,K,B8,iron,potassium,mangnese and fiber contents.
Heart Disease:
Carrots have rich amount of carotenoids and fiber,so the regular consumption of carrot reduces the risk of heart disease.
Carrots are rich in poly-acetylene antioxidant, falcarinol, which fights against cancers by destroying the pre-cancerous cells in the tumours, so it reduces the risk of lung cancer,breast cancer and colon cancer.
During Pregnancy:
Carrots are helpful in the production of breast milk and improve its quality.It reduces the fatal infections and miscarriage.
Carrots have much amount of vitamin A and this is very much useful in age related vision problem such as macular degeneration and cataracts.
Vitamin A and antioxidants are available in carrots.These things are very helpful in reducing skin aging factor and protect the skin from sun damage.