Veteran Bharatiya Janata Party leader and former Minister of External Affairs of India, Sushma Swaraj passed away following a cardiac arrest on August 6. She had been admitted to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and was critically ill. The senior leader had not been keeping well, also the reason she had decided to opt out of the General Elections 2019. We are sad to hear about her demise and offer our condolences to her family members.
Sushma Swaraj was the second woman to hold the position as a Minister of External Affairs after Indira Gandhi and was responsible for implementing the foreign policy of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Swaraj had an illustrious political career and was even regarded as the 'best loved politician' by the Wall Street Journal.
Apart from her illustrious political career, we remember Sushma Swaraj as a proud advocate of Indian handloom saris.
When we think Sushma Swaraj, the first image that crosses the mind is she in an impeccably draped cotton or silk sari with a matching sweater. When it comes to fashion, what we admired about her was how she didn't allow modern trends to dictate her fashion sense.
On her, saris seemed beyond mere uniform, in fact it seemed, she used sari as an important tool in order to establish connect with the grassroots. By draping saris, Sushma Swaraj popularised an outfit, which is an integral part of the cultural narrative of the country.
credit: third party image reference
No, Sushma Swaraj didn't step out in saris exuding vintage, sort of colonial vibes. With her attire, she gave a feeling that she understood India well. There is so much an outfit can do and like we say, your outfit is a reflection of your inner self. Sushma Swaraj's saris and sweater pairing blended with the sensibilities of common women of the country.
Sometimes in plain saris and at other times in printed saris, Sushma Swaraj was a sari connoisseur and represented the nation so beautifully. With the middle-parted bun adorned with red sindoor, the big bindi, gold bangles, a nose stud, and a sleek necklace, she created a signature uninfluenced look for herself - something like Hillary Clinton's pantsuits. Swaraj was a sari revivalist in her own right!
Take a look at some of her pictures.
credit: third party image reference
credit: third party image reference
credit: third party image reference