7 True Facts that Sound like they're FAKE

Many times we have experienced that, no matter how crazy things we see in Hollywood movies or fantasy books, reality sometimes overwhelms everything. This is proved by the incredible facts listed below, which, no matter how surreal nonsense, are in fact unquestionably true.
01. At the top of the Himalayas are remains of sea creatures.
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Shells, pebbles and marine fossils are found in the limestone beds of the tallest and youngest mountain ranges of the Himalaya, a geological evidence that proves that the Himalayas rose from the Tethys Sea
02. We could even swim on the surface of Saturn.
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Although there is no water on it, the density of the planet's surface is so low that we would be able to swim on it.
03. There are underwater waterfalls.
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When oceans of different temperatures meet, we can see the phenomenon of 'underwater waterfall'. This is because cold water is harder than hot water. The Gulf of Denmark, located between Greenland and Iceland, has the largest of these underwater waterfalls.
04. Japan is still an empire.
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Japan is the last country in the world to officially retain the title of "empire". The Japanese imperial dynasty never broke. The reigning Emperor Akihito today is a direct descendant of the Emperor Jinmu, who founded the empire in 711 BC.
05. Tigers can also be Down syndromes
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This is the white tiger pictured in the picture, for example, Kenny, who lives in a bentonville zoo. Kenny was born in 1999 and his associates completely excommunicate him for his mental retardation, but this doesn't seem to bother Kenny, who, despite all his troubles, lives very well in his own little world.
06. The Egyptian pyramids are constantly moving.
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Due to the movement of the earth's crust, Egyptian pyramids are today about 4 km south of the site where they were built 5,000 years ago.
07. The smartest man in the world was admitted to university at the age of 4.
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Kim Ung-yong was born in 1962 in Korea. By the age of two, he had already spoken 5 languages, and by the age of three he had understood algebra and differential calculus. Kim was a student at Hanyang University from the age of 4-6, and was invited to NASA at the age of 7.

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