From Cancer to Heart health: Here's how the banana can help to stay healthy

credit: third party image reference1. Anaemia:- Bananas contain high amounts of iron which helps people suffering from anaemia. Vitamin B6 present in banana maintain the blood glucose level that also helps in anaemia. Actually, In anaemia, the red blood cell got affected but eating a banana can stimulate the production of haemoglobin and fight the disease. 

2. Blood Pressure:- For patients suffering from high blood pressure, the salt works as a criminal and increase their problem. Banana is a fruit considered as full of many nutrients. It has a great amount of high potassium content and has less amount of salt that make banana a superfood for high B.P patients. It helps to regulate blood pressure.
credit: third party image reference3. Heart:- Banana is a fruit enrich with high fibre and potassium that make it a good food for heart problems. Different beneficial properties of banana can make it helpful to lower the risk of disease like coronary heart disease(CHD) and cardiovascular disease(CVD). In one medium-sized banana has 9% or 117 grams of RDI.

4. Cancer:- Banana has many nutrients in it like vitamin B6, magnesium, fibre etc. It also has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anti-oxidants properties that increase the recovery rate of cancer patients. Amount of compounds with anti-cancer properties like alpha-carotene, melatonin and dopamine minimize cancer.
credit: third party image reference5. Weight gain:- For bodybuilders and gym-goers, banana is a lovable fruit. Because of the healthy carbohydrates and other nutrients present in bananas, it helps to gain weight. And when banana takes with milk in shake form, it becomes the superfood and doubled their benefits. 
credit: third party image reference6. Digestion:- If a patient sick with diarrhoea especially because of alcohol, banana helps to control bowel function and it also restores the electrolytes and potassium, patients may be lost due to loose motions. Banana also helps in digestion because of the high amount of fibre present in it.

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