Foods to avoid in the morning on an empty stomach
Coffee and tea
Drinking tea can have many benefits, but drinking these solvents on an empty stomach can lead to changes in the coating of the gastrointestinal wall. Also, it is unhealthy to consume caffeine-rich coffee on an empty stomach. Drinking a glass of water before drinking tea or coffee on an empty stomach is well worth it.
credit: third party image referenceBanana
Banana is rich in antioxidants, nutrients, phytochemicals, and has many benefits. But these should not be eaten on an empty stomach in the morning. Eating bananas in the morning can increase magnesium levels in the body and cause significant changes in magnesium and calcium levels in the blood.
credit: third party image referenceTomatoes
Tomatoes are sweetly flavourful and taste good. But it is dangerous to eat them on an empty stomach. It combines with the acids in the digestive tract and releases a variety of jelly-like substances, resulting in stomach calculus.
credit: third party image reference

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