Nalanda University: Location & Information details.

 Source: Roz Dhan "Naren009"

Nalanda University: Location & Information details.

Nalanda close to Patna is the place where you can locate the archeological remaining parts of a Mahavihara or Buddhist cloister, which was one of the most punctual and best colleges in India. In antiquated days, this devout and academic organization was situated in the realm of Magadha, which is currently the cutting edge territory of Bihar. Nalanda University Archeological Complex is at present situated around 84 km away from Patna, the capital city of Bihar. A visit to the mind boggling makes for an improving excursion into history, design, culture, and Buddhism. On the off chance that you are a set of experiences buff, try to remember this antiquated college for your schedule when arranging an excursion to and booking your lodgings in Patna.

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Things to See in the Nalanda Complex 

In spite of the fact that a significant part of the Nalanda Mahavihara is yet to be exhumed, there is a ton to find in the uncovered territory that spreads across 30 sections of land. This incorporates the accompanying: 

Remains of the Nalanda University 

Remains of religious communities 

Remains of block sanctuaries 

Stupa of Sariputta 

Sarai Temple 

Nalanda Archeological Museum 

Nalanda Multimedia Museum (secretly run) 

Xuan Zang Memorial 

Surya Mandir 

Dark Buddha Temple 

Nalanda Vipasana Center

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Nalanda Mahavihara: Today 

Nalanda thrived on a rambling grounds in the bygone eras, however just a little part of that colossal grounds has been unearthed till date. Today, just the remnants of the Nalanda Mahavihara stay on the site. Be that as it may, because of its chronicled, instructive, and strict essentialness, the vestiges of Nalanda are considered among the top authentic places in and around Patna. It is likewise a top vacation destination in India and a significant site for those investigating the Buddhist the travel industry circuit.

credit: third party image reference

Nalanda Museum 

Since 1917, the Nalanda Mahavihara Site houses the Nalanda Archeological Museum where a few the unearthed antiques have been kept in plain view. These incorporate coins, models, pictures of Buddha, engravings, seals, tests of consumed rice, earthenware containers, and other old fashioned things. A visit to the exhibition hall will give you a thought regarding the things that were being used when the Nalanda Mahavihara was at its pinnacle. 

Exhibition hall Timings: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm; shut on Fridays 

Exhibition hall Entry Fee: ₹ 5 for each head; free for kids as long as 15 years old

credit: third party image reference

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