Source: Roz Dhan "Entertainment123"
credit: third party image reference
At this time the monsoon season has started, there is a risk of many contagious diseases in this season, that is why today we are going to tell you about a vegetable which can be easily found in the monsoon season and it will be good for health. It is also very beneficial for the vegetable we are talking about, that vegetable is named Kantola.
Kantola is rich in phytochemicals, antioxidants, etc., which is many times more strength and protein than meats, let us know about the unique benefits of eating Kantola vegetables.
Benefits of eating Kantola vegetable
Antiallergic and analgesic gum are found in Kantola in cold cough, the use of this vegetable keeps away the problem of cold cough. 2- For eyesight
Kantola is rich in Vitamin A, so regular consumption of this vegetable intensifies the light of the eyes and keeps many eye troubles away.
3- Blood pressure contains
more amount of fiber and momordicine in cantola, which is highly beneficial for BP patients.
4- Controlling weight control
Kantola is also helpful in controlling weight, Kantola contains high amount of iron and protein while calories are found in small amount, which keeps weight under control.
Kantola contains fiber to maintain digestion , which is very beneficial in eliminating indigestion and to improve digestion.