In this winter season try this super delicious recipie which will take you to the another level. Not only delicious but this recipie is healthy too !! In this way you can also reuse roti and it won't be wasted . It is time saving and your kids will love it . It is the simplest and great tasting recipie with few ingridiends which is easily available at your home and can also be made by a beginer easily. It goes good in luchbox.
Prep time:- 2 Minutes
Cook time:-10 minutes
Servings :- 1 serving
Course :- Desert
Cuisine :- Indian
- 1 Leftover roti
- 2 tbls. crushed Jaggery
- Cooking oil
- Some kneated dough
- 1 tbls Butter/ Ghee
- some Salt as per taste
Step - 1
First of all take 1 leftover roti in one plate and put 2 tbls. of crushed jaggery and add very small amount of salt as per taste at the centre of roti .
credit: third party image reference
Step - 2
Take some kneated dough and apply it on the corners of the roti like you're applying glue. Then fold the roti and sides in the the shape of D.
credit: third party image reference
Step - 3
Take some oil on tava and on the gas on, now put that folded roti on tava and fry it on medium flame until it changes colour to light brown.
credit: third party image reference
Step - 4
Now take it out on serving plate and with the help of a knife and make four cuts on that roti in the shape of checks.It will create some space .
Step - 5
Now fill that space with butter/ghee .
So our jaggery bread is ready to eat !!!!
- It will not cause iron deficiency .
- Jaggery bread gives relief from cold and cough .
- Jaggery increases your energy .
- Helps bones to grow strong .
- Eating jaggery makes the skin glow .
- Don't add too much of salt in jaggery.
- Do not fry in too much oil .
- Make a little cut on roti, do not divide it in two parts