Need for Rural Uplift in India

Our country is the worlds 7th largest country containing over more than 6,00,000 villages . There are several problems that the villagers need to face day-to-day in their daily life . For people who live in town and cities , it is very hard for them to imagine the number of hardships that the villagers has to pass through . The luxurious city life cannot give the tremendous experience of the village life . Though the village way of life is much happier and sweet than the busy city life , but when it comes to civilization then the villages are really struggling .
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Development of villages is one of the most prominent problem of our nation . This is one of the reason why the other nations are developed and we are still developing. What we get to see here is that - the developing cities will get more and more developed whereas the village backdrop will remain as it is . The people living in cities have to face the following problems ;-
  1. No proper electricity supply.
  2. Poor road conditions .
  3. Poor education system .
  4. Improper hospitality
  5. Less employment opportunities
  6. Poor transportation facilities , etc.
    credit: third party image reference
But it has been also observed that the lifestyle and lifespan of villagers is much healthy and long as compared to the people living in cities. It may be because of less pollution and an Eco -friendly behavior . But this doesn't mean that these villages must be left as they are, they must be also developed as this may lessen the problems of the villagers . Mahatma Gandhi , the father of our nation had said that the villages are the soul of India . Because villages are the part of our India , we cannot say India a developed nation unless the villages are developed . This can be possible if the politician truly follow their agendas and if the local representatives take 100% responsibility of their work.
credit: third party image reference

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